UNLOCK the Power of Spiritual Wisdom
and Feminine Leadership in Your Business

 For the Driven Woman Entrepreneur Ready to Break Free from Overwork, Rediscover Family Time, and Thrive in a Your Business

Hey Babe, 

I see you and I know why you're here. You’re absolutely done with “going through it” just to get to the other side. 

Right now, you’re questioning your business model and something in your gut just isn’t sitting right. You keep running the numbers you see online and you’re like “HOW THE EFF ARE THEY ACTUALLY DOING THAT??”

You have already invested SOOOO much and you’re done feeling like you’re throwing money at the wall because you already know most of what they are teaching and sick of seeing the same stuff repeated over and over! 

Your business has been capped at 5 figures for a while now and you’re ready to scale, yet the one question that plagues your mind is “With what time???”, you already feel like everything in your life is working around your business and you just want to show up for your family in your power!

You have tried the group programs and whilst they are amazing, they just aren't bringing in enough revenue..

Not to mention, you find yourself in the never ending cycle of clients constantly choosing the payment plan option, so you are never actually getting the cash influx you need to up your marketing to bring in more aligned clients. 

I get it, I was there just under 3 years ago, a newborn in toe and the main income earner in my house. I was incredibly burnt out and wondering how the eff I was ever going to move out of the hustle culture of trying to bring in new 1:1 clients to an abundance of high paying clients with time freedom. 

Now, I work 8 hours a week and bring in multiple 6 figures a year! 

Through what I am about to show you, I literally dropped my work week from an average of 70 hours per week to 8 and increased my revenue.

Side note: I didn’t want to be the coach that does it once and sells it, I wanted consistent results and I wanted to get this method so finely tuned that when I showed the world what I did, it would be a no brainer for them too! Now with 2 years of consistent results, I have the answer for you too, to transform your business & your life!


In this playbook, I am going to walk you through the EXACT steps I took, to refine my business and life!

This process is the exact process I use with all of my clients and now it's your turn to apply to your life!

Hi, I'm Case!


I built my business to a multiple 6 figure business in the first 12 months of going full time. Within these 12 months, I also fell pregnant with my first son and had to learn how to juggle motherhood, an evolving relationship, a fast growing business and my NEW identity! As a family we committed to my business being the main income for us- was this easy?

No, however- I have definitely learn the power of owning your worth and settling for nothing less than you deserve. I held myself to a high standard and continued to scale my business, I loved harder in my relationships and I made sure I showed up for everything my son needed me for all while I kept climbing financially.

I found the magic in continually expanding in all areas, almost 3 years later, a team of coaches behind me, I have the know how and the expertise to get you in your ZONE OF GENIUS making BIG MONEY all while living the life you desire! No- you do not have to sacrifice yours of your (perhaps future) families needs/ desires in order to become successful!

My magic is in ACTIVATING the truth of those who are here to serve on a LARGE SCALE and MONETIZING their message and  opening up the space for my clients to fully EMBODYING their deepest desires.

By following the steps I took in this playbook you will be able to: 

  • Reclaim your most valuable asset - time, yes mama, you get to be with your family- I promise you!
  • Unlock the secrets of scaling your business with a strategy that aligns with your values and goals.
  • Unearth a clear path forward tapping into the unseen & eliminating the guesswork that's been holding you back.
  • Elevate your earnings beyond the confines of the clock, and experience newfound financial freedom.
  • Discover the model that will catapult your business into a league of its own, transforming it on a grand scale. Hello $$$$
  • Gain the power to work from anywhere, allowing you to design your life on your own terms.

What You'll Gain:

  • Create a scalable model based on the needs of your client
  • Insights into a transformative business model that aligns with your deepest aspirations.
  • Tools to break free from codependent client relationships, creating space for growth and empowerment.
  • Practical steps to escape the cycle of scarcity and step into a mindset of abundance and empowerment.
  • Strategies to ensure your clients honor the value you bring, allowing your business to move into multiple 6 figures a year

It's time to move beyond the confines of uncertainty and scarcity. Step into a future where your business serves not just your clients, but also you and your loved ones. Together, we'll unravel the path to true abundance and fulfillment.

Claim Your Freedom Now!

Download the Embodied Business Playbook Now!

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